Dear Colleagues,
I hope you are all well, following the Government's Corona Virus broadcast last evening I am just writing to clarify the current position.
Boris advised the following. Only go outside for food, health reasons or essential work if you cannot work from home. Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people Continue to wash your hands Our Company position Today Tuesday 24th March 2020 For those of you who are still able to attend work where the facility you clean remains open can still go to work today. Yesterday we had another four clients close their doors and suspend cleaning until further notice. Where and whilst we can provide our service to our clients we will continue to do si until the client closes their doors or the government introduces a full curfew throughout the country. Our work to those clients who remain open and need our support is essential. Thank you all, your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Priority Support Services only use the following websites for our source of information, please note we will not post or pass on any information from social media sites or similar which may well mislead, cause offence and or distress.
Following each Government broadcast, we will text all staff and update our this information page.
Take care and stay safe,