Your Health & Safety is our Priority
Our commitment to Health and Safety is ingrained throughout our company and at every level of our service delivery.
Compliance of Health and Safety legislation including risk assessments and method statements, COSHH and RIDDOR regulations is the direct responsibility of our Director Tony White.
Our Health and Safety policy and statement are made available to all staff and clients.
Our policy is updated annually in line with HSE guidelines.
Every task undertaken by our staff and supplier partners (see below) has its own designated risk assessment and method statement.
Copies of our policy/statement and all relevant risk assessments and method statements are included within the Priority Support Services client folders placed on each site.

The Environment is our Priority
Environment and Social Responsibility
Our commitment to the environment is to ensure every task completed either directly or via a supplier partner meets with our Company Social Responsibility.
We look after the environment by using green, ecologically friendly products and systems.
We ensure socially acceptable practises are undertaken, accepting our responsibility towards our staff, clients and the local community in which we work and serve.
We ensure our partner suppliers follow our CSR example not only whilst working with Priority Support Services but also within their own business environments.
We endeavour to work with the local communities in which we operate to help promote and support local charities and employment opportunities.

Our Staff and Partners are our Priority
Staffing, Recruitment, Induction and Training
Our staff represent our biggest asset therefore require our biggest investment.
Our recruitment programs are aimed at offering the best possible solutions to meet the individual's needs ensuring we employ people who want to work and develop their careers within the cleaning sector and will, with training, deliver the service our clients require.
Our induction programs will provide the foundations for a long and successful career within Priority Support Services. Low staff turnover reduces costs and increases staff morale and client retention.
Our training programs are based on 28 years experience within the cleaning industry and are unique to Priority Support Services.
Staff working within the education and healthcare sectors will possess the necessary DBS certification.
Our Supplier Partners
All our supplier partners complete our Health and Safety questionnaire prior to providing any services on our clients' premises.
Our health and safety questionnaire requires confirmation of current insurances including total financial cover plus confirmation of training certification and relevant industry qualifications.
We conduct due diligence on every supplier partner working with Priority Support Services.